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Databases 101: Getting Started

The Basics

Getting Started:

The first thing you will want to do is visit the Gabriele Library page on Immaculata's website. 

From there, you can access the databases from the top bar of content:

Screenshot taken from library website that shows header with the databases portion circle from


On that page, you will see databases listed both alphabetically and by subject matter. I do not recommend searching using alphabetical order unless you already know what database you need. You can go to the subject guides, which are organized into categories with the available relevant databases for that subject matter. If you have no idea where to start, go to the general subject guide, which directs you to databases that hold a large variety of content.  Screenshot that shows alphabetical list as well as list of subject guides

When accessing a database, you may be directed to the screen below to log in to your Immaculata account. After this page you will be redirected back to the database.

Screenshot of the login portal

Discovery Search

Another Search Portal:

A bit further down the main library page you will see the WorldCat Discovery Search. This search bar works similarly to Google searching, and will allow you to put in your search term and search across the catalogue of physical materials available at Gabriele Library, as well as Open Access materials and materials throughout our available databases.